So how often does this comic Update?
Once a week (Thursdays while Gruff is being updated, then it goes back to Tuesdays on the 23rd of September). Once the first chapter of Tatterhood is finished, version 3 of The Corpse Door will start updates.
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Tatterhood: Unwanted VisitorsBy Kris Sayer
The Animated Corpse Door 3.0By Kris Sayer
NamelessBy Kris Sayer
Orin and the Dead Man's SwordBy Shel Kahn
By Crom! The ZineBy Shel Kahn
The Collected By CromBy Shel Kahn
Full Colour CromulenceBy Shel Kahn
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So how often does this comic Update?
Once a week (Thursdays while Gruff is being updated, then it goes back to Tuesdays on the 23rd of September). Once the first chapter of Tatterhood is finished, version 3 of The Corpse Door will start updates.